
Monday, 14 October 2013

"Bow down low..."

"Bow down low..."

31 May 2013 at 09:51
A lot has been said on the “innovative and rather creative” approach to Russia by the Georgian authorities by more important, relevant, knowledgeable and concerned people than me.

Let’s recall that the new approach (Georgian Restarts policy) was declared to be:
-          toning down the rhetoric;
-           softening pressure on Russia through international community at multi-lateral as well as intergovernmental institutions and forums;
-          de-prioritizing advocacy and lobby efforts with the states on the non-recognition of Abkhazia and South Ossetia;
-          opening parallel to Geneva Talks communication and negotiation channel with Russia;
-          focusing and prioritizing cultural, humanitarian and economic issues during the discussions with Russia, rather than highlighting de-occupation and compliance with the 2008 6-point agreement;

As a result, the rhetoric was toned down to the point that it may now require tuning it back up a bit. Evidence to this is a “surprise” expressed by the Prime Minister and the Minister of Foreign Affairs over the unprecedented as well as unreciprocated “reverences” and “good will gestures” made recently towards Russia by Georgia: hey, Mr. Putin, we bowed down to you, low enough to almost taste your dirty bollocks and instead of allowing us to suck on them you slapped us with your dick in our face. That’s not cool, man.

Statements by the new Government officials have become submissive, offering concessions to the Russia’s long-standing demands e.g. revision of the law on occupation, weakening of the lobby and advocacy groups with the western countries, offering apologies to a mid-ranking Russian official by more senior Georgian officials, referring to Putin as a wise man, refusal to boycott Sochi Olympics, questioning the Kars rail corridor, discussions on the Abkhazian rail corridor, consideration of purchasing more gas from Russia, etc. They can have it all – just keep them calm and happy. As long as few guys can sell few bottles of mineral water and wine there and as long as 40-year old Georgian virgin men can have their first sex and as long as 60-year old perverts can get 18-year-old women in Moscow we could call Georgia as a governorate, why not? We love and value parties, good (sick) times more than freedom, independence, our culture, identity and our children’s future. You know, like people, nations are different too, so that’s us – please keep your judgments and stereotypes to yourself, you bloody civilized western world.

The key multi-lateral and intergovernmental channels as well as bilateral lobby forums have always been the UN, US Congress, State Department and various European legislative and executive institutions. While in the past the Russo-Georgian issue was among the top agenda points, now it has dropped down to the bottom of it, just like the national pride is in the middle of a free fall. The logic is very simple: if the Georgians are not concerned about their state, why should we be? You’re damn right, Uncle Sam.

Opening a parallel communication and negotiation channel has inevitably undermined the Geneva Talks. During an international conflict and occupation political and security issues cannot be delineated from the economic, cultural and humanitarian issues and other way round: economic, humanitarian and cultural issues cannot be discussed aside from the political and security framework. Nevertheless, the new Government has launched several cultural and economic initiatives without addressing the security and political context. As a result and in the process Georgia had to offer even more concessions and adopt a very submissive posture, allowing Russia to gain the momentum and advance its agenda e.g. gain and occupy more territories so that Russia is in better position during the negotiations. Russia has put its dick deeper in to the Georgian arse and every millimetre it is persuaded (by the West) to pull it back (it hurts too much, man, take it gentle, please) will be considered as a big favour to the Georgians. Thanks - that will be a relief for the Georgians.

To me the new Government and the Parliament are either incompetent, or it cannot withstand the Russian pressure and think that it cannot react/behave differently hoping for a break and better momentum in the future (they are short-sighted), or they are intentionally implementing the policies suggested by Russia. Either way, the current relationship between Russia and Georgia can be termed as deep arse submissive doggie style.

... Russia has an elaborate plan and clearly defined objectives in South Caucasus, particularly towards Georgia. Attainment of the objectives is crafted in consistency and persistency irrespective of the leadership and/or type of governance Russia had since later 18th century. It is in innate, call it an instinct or behaviour that Russia will always have a plan for acquiring as much influences in Georgia as possible: be it politics, military, security, economic or social sector Russia will always want to have control or a strong leverage in Georgia. If it’s a given then you would presume that Georgia has a counter-plan, matching the Russian plan equally, at least, in consistency and persistency. I am not sure of the existence of such long-term plan, but whatever directives exist on this topic have everything in them except for consistency and persistency. 

Having no clear security and defence strategy that is consistent and persistently pursued, coupled with the theocracy being in full position of challenging the constitution and secular governance, Georgia is nowhere near to the European concept and definition of an independent nation and a state. Country where the clergy, religious and traditional extremism can dominate the public opinion is in big trouble, if it has any, whatsoever at all, aspirations to being a dignified member of the modern global community.

Sadly, the Russian aspect and the Georgian Church element of Georgian politics are very much inter-linked. They are two, the biggest threats to the Georgian nation and state. To me, Russia and the Georgian Church are the two strongest villains of all the villains - sooner the Georgian public begins challenging them is better, again for the Georgians sake.

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